Opening hours

Weekdays 10-16

Weekend 10-17

Day ticket

Adult Kr. 215,-
Child (3-11 years) Kr. 145,-
Child (0-2 years) Free

Season ticket

Adult Kr. 385,-
Child (3-11 year) Kr. 285,-
Child (0-2 year) Free

  • 11:00
    Manatees, South America
  • 12:00
    Sssnake hour, Biology Lounge
  • 13:00
    Lynx, A Journey Through Time
  • 14:00
    Creepy crawlies hour, Biology Lounge
  • 15:00
    Coatis, South America
  • 16:00
    Nocturnal animals, Night Zoo

A true jungle adventure awaits

You don’t have to travel to the other side of the world to experience a true jungle adventure! The moment you enter Randers Regnskov, you find yourself in a world with cascading waterfalls, fabled temple ruins from a bygone era and wild animals.

Together with the hot, humid air, the sounds and smells give you an authentic feeling of being there yourself – being in the middle of the dense, lush rainforest far away from home.

And the animals? You get close to them – VERY CLOSE!