Köstliche Gerichte für jeden Geschmack

Nach einem Besuch im warmen und feuchten Regenwald ist es angenehm, sich ganz in Ruhe bei einem leckeren Essen zu stärken. In Randers Regnskov kann man im Regenwaldcafé schmackhafte Gerichte bestellen oder eine Tasse Kaffee genießench und andere leckere Getränke.

Das Café schließt den Verkauf von essen eine halbe Stunde bevor Randers Regnskov.



  • Our coffee mugs are 100% plastic free.
  • Our plastic mugs are made from recycled plastic from the oceans.
  • Our straws are gluten free. They are made from pasta and black rice.
  • Our coffee beans and cocoa powder are organic.
  • We do not offer beef – instead, we have chicken and pork on the menu.
  • Chicken and pork leave a CO2 footprint that is about 60-70% less than beef.
  • We have minimized the use of palm oil. We only use products that contain certified palm oil. (RSPO).
  • The increasing demand for palm oil is a problem since palm oil is often extracted at the expense of the world’s tropical rainforests.
  • Our frying oil is recycled as biofuel.
  • Vegetarian. Gluten free*. Food allergies and intolerances – ask the staff. *There can be traces of gluten.